Lifepo4 vs Lithium Ion: The Pros and Cons of Each

Are you looking for the right battery for your needs? Check out the pros and cons of the Lifepo4 vs lithium ion to decide which is right for you.

Nicholas Delate


Nicholas Delate


May 1, 2023

Lifepo4 vs Lithium Ion: The Pros and Cons of Each

The lifepo4 battery was discovered in 1996 by Professor John Goodenough from the University of Texas.

While it's been 27 years, the battery is started to gain in popularity, and for a good reason. There are many types of batteries that you, as an energy and utility executive, can choose from. The decision isn't always easy, but we're here to help.

Before deciding which batteries are best for you and your operations, you must know all the information regarding lifepo4 vs lithium-ion. Knowing your battery options and the pros and cons of each will help you make an informed decision and ensure you make the right choice.

This guide is going to give you all the information you need and discuss the different types of batteries. Read on for everything you need to know!

Popular Usage of Lifepo4

LiFePO4 batteries are very useful and used for many different things. You may be surprised at how many items around use these batteries.

The majority of electric vehicles have these batteries because of their long lifespan. They also store a lot of energy, which is key when it comes to cars and other vehicles.

That is the reason a lot of energy storage systems use LiFePO4. The amount of energy storage it provides is ideal, and it acts as a reliable backup source in case anything unexpected happens.

LifePo4 batteries come in a variety of different sizes. The compact form makes them ideal for portable electronics such as laptops and smartphones. They can also be in power tools as they last a long time, making them reliable on construction sites.

In more recent years, these batteries have been used in boats and yachts as well. They are lightweight, making them a great choice.

Pros of Lifepo4

It's important to know the pros and cons of all your battery options before you make your decision. We are going to start with the advantages first.

Long Cycle Life

Another advantage of lifepo4 is its long lifespan. It won't lose capacity quickly and can go through hundreds, sometimes thousands, of charge and discharge cycles.

The batteries in electric vehicles and energy storage systems are cycled pretty often, which is why these batteries are so ideal. They won't need to be replaced often and they require little to no maintenance, which is yet another perk.

Fast Charging

You'll be able to recharge the battery 5000 times before you'll need to replace it. This is unlike lead-acid batteries, which only have 300 to 400 cycles.

LifePo4 batteries are also quick to charge. They can be completely full after only two hours of charge time, sometimes even less than that.

Environmentally Friendly

These batteries are more environmentally friendly and even safer than other batteries. Lead acid and nickel oxide lithium batteries can spill and cause a lot of issues.

You completely avoid this problem by using LifePo4 batteries. Less toxic materials are used to make them, which makes it easier to recycle them.

It's the safest option as well. This is because it isn't combustible.

If there's a short circuit or an unexpected issue, like a crash, you don't have to worry about an explosion caused by the batteries. As an executive, what's better than peace of mind knowing your operation is safe?

It also has structural stability, which many others don't.

Self-Discharge Rate

The self-discharge rate of a Lifepo4 battery is between one and three percent per month. Typically, after a battery has been sitting for a long time, it won't run as efficiently and sometimes not at all. However, that's not the case with this option.

You can leave the battery sitting for months and it will still provide power. This low self-discharge rate is a good reason to invest in a lifepo4. Your investment will stay in great working condition for a long time, even after not being used for a while.

Cons of Lifepo4

While there are some great advantages to lifepo4 batteries, there are some cons that you need to know. Having all the information is key, especially when it comes to your business.

Lower Voltage

One of the downsides is that they may not be great for all applications. They have a lower voltage than some of the other battery options.

Before purchasing one of these, double-check what voltage you need. It should be compatible with the device or circuit, so be sure to consider the physical size and capacity.

Higher Cost

As a utility executive, it's important that you consider your budget before purchasing your batteries. Lifepo4 batteries can be fairly expensive compared to some of the other options.

However, the other benefits may make up for the price. If you're on a tight budget, this may not be a great choice, or you may want to move money around and make it work as they are very reliable and much safer.

Temperature Sensitivity

While these batteries can withstand a wide range of temperatures, between -4°F and 140°F, they don't perform well under extreme temperatures. While you don't have to worry about explosions, it's important to know that your batteries won't be as effective under extreme conditions.

They will still function, just not as well, and it could affect their lifespan. The good news is that they can withstand a wide range of temperatures, meaning you can store them in a shed or garage year-round without having to worry about them.

Limited Availability

While the battery choice is becoming more popular, there is still limited availability. Many other battery options are still easier to get your hands on. If you want to invest in a LifePo4 battery, be sure to plan in advance.

Popular Usage of Lithium-Ion

Lithium-ion batteries are used for a lot of the same things as lifepo4 batteries. In addition to electric vehicles and energy storage systems, they are also used for aerospace and military applications.

Advantages of Lithium-Ion

Li-ion batteries don't have quite as many advantages as lifepo4, but there are some. It's important to remember to make your decision based on your needs. What works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa.

High Energy Density

One of the best benefits of Li-ion batteries is that they have a high energy density. This means the battery can store more energy per unit volume. It's going to be smaller and more compact, making it ideal if you're limited on space.

The weight of the batteries varies. Some lifepo4 batteries may weigh less and some could weigh more. It's all dependent on the construction and what materials it's made of.


The cost of batteries can vary greatly depending on the manufacturers. However, Li-ion is typically going to be less expensive. They are widely available, making them more affordable than lifepo4.

Cons of Lithium-Ion

It's important to know the disadvantages that come with your purchase of a lithium-ion battery. Often times people only focus on the price. However, considering the downsides before you make your decision can save you a lot of time, money, and even stress.

Limited Lifetime

Another downside to Li-ion is its limited lifespan. It's much smaller than the other options and while it's more affordable, you'll find yourself having to replace it more often. The limited lifespan not only costs you money but also increases the environmental impact, which is what we want to avoid.

Low-Temperature Range

Unlike lifepo4 batteries, lithium-ions can't withstand a large range of temperatures. Your space will need to be climate-controlled year-round if you decide to invest in Li-ion batteries. The temperature range is between 32°F (0°C) to 113°F (45°C), which is significantly smaller than Lifepo4.

Safety Environmental Concerns

When comparing lifepo4 vs lithium-ion, you'll need to consider the environmental impact. Li-ion comes with a lot of concerns. They are more prone to overheating, which leads to fires and even explosions. This is especially true if they are overcharged.

Lithium-ion batteries are also much harder to recycle. The mining of lithium also leads to a lot of pollution.

Lifepo4 vs Lithium-Ion

Not knowing which types of batteries to invest in can be overwhelming. The choices get even harder if you don't have all the information. However, now that you know the difference between lifepo4 and lithium-ion, you can make an informed decision.

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